Therapy can be a powerful component of individual and collective love and preservation. Working with a therapist can assist with integrating experiences and signals from the body so there's more space to do what we are here to do.
Combined with other elements, therapy can be a force for complex positive change. I envision therapeutic work as part of social and environmental justice, which naturally has a dynamic relationship with individual healing.
I work with folks to integrate trauma and move towards relieving chronic stress. This may be related to an acute trauma, secondary trauma, and the trauma of oppressive patterns in the world we are part of. Signals such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and general feelings of stuckness, whether associated with a specific event or not, are felt by many people. This work is about addressing these signals in an embodied way so you can move with more attunement and capacity to meet the present moment.

2207 NE 65th St #200
Seattle WA 98115
averyfishertherapy [at] gmail.com